getting involved has never been easier!

There are lots of ways that your church can get involved in the work of foodbank PLUS, and we would love you to partner with us to support the local people of Shropshire.

Check out the ideas below and see our resources section for printables.

  • You could set up a donation point for attendees to donate to foodbank PLUS, or contribute financially with a one off or regular donation.

  • You’re invited to visit us and have a site tour, find out what we do and what happens behind the scenes at foodbank PLUS. Why not bring a group, hear the story, and ask any questions you may have! Get in touch by email or phone to book a visit.

  • We are all about community, and we couldn’t do what we do without our incredible supporters. We want to raise awareness of the work we do to reach more people who need support and also to build our network of supporters - please consider getting involved to help us do this!

  • Christmas is a brilliant time to get involved with your church. You could raise money, donate one of the items we need in bulk or encourage your groups to build a hamper together. We provide all the resources you need on our Christmas webpage. Why not get your church involved in Christmas this year at foodbank PLUS?




Why not print off shopping lists and encourage your team to choose an item each to bring in as part of a donation day or event.