
If you wish to make a donation to Barnabas Community Projects we would be delighted - and are very grateful. Donations are used according to need within the projects we currently run. We would like to write to you to thank you for any donation you make, please get in touch using the contact form.

We try to keep our costs down and much of our work is done by a committed group of volunteers. However, we do have real financial needs in order to sustain and develop the work we do.

Standing Orders

A key way you can support us is regular donations through standing orders. This is so valuable as it helps us to plan, budget and meet more people’s needs. You can set up a standing order using the bank account detailed. Alternatively you can use our standing order form for BCP or Foodbank PLUS.

One off Donations

You can also make a one off donation to Foodbank PLUS by bank transfer (using the bank accounts detailed), PayPal or by cheque. Please make cheques payable to Barnabas Community Projects, and on the back write ‘foodbank PLUS’.

There are four options for giving, please enter one of the options as a reference on your BACS payment or in the note section on PayPal. If paying by PayPal and no option is specified, your donation will be placed in the BCP General fund.

  1. BCP General

  2. Foodbank PLUS

  3. Fresh. (Please use the foodbank PLUS bank details below and reference ‘fresh’ to donate to the foodbank fresh fund. This helps us provide fresh fruit, vegetables and bread in our parcels)

  4. Fuel Poverty Crisis Fund (this provides grants to people who are in fuel poverty, and it is given at the discretion of BCP)


Bank Details


Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer you can fill in a gift aid form to allow us to claim gift aid from your donation; please use the button to access this form.



It’s also possible to donate online, use the button below to access our donation page powered by PayPal.

Donate using PayPal


This week the items we are running low on are:

  • UHT milk

  • pasta sauce

  • sugar

  • deodorant

  • jams/spread


You can donate to the foodbank fresh fund to help us provide fresh fruit, vegetables and bread in our parcels. Find out more in the link below


More than One Tin

A foodbank campaign for your school, business, church, street or group to get involved in. Our supplies are running extremely low, and we need your help!